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115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD

Description: Leather & Leatherworking Book Collection on DVD The Ultimate History Collection of 115 Books This is the most complete collection on DVD for the best price on eBay. This DVD contains 115 interesting books about leather & leatherworking. You will discover information on many topics such as tools, patterns, leatherworking techniques, supplies needed, leather history and much more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in leather and leatherworking! This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROM readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. Contents: Leather work : a practical manual for learners (1925) - Leland, C. G. - 120 pages Seven easy and cheap methods, for preparing, tanning, dressing, scenting and renovating all wool & fur peltries (1860) - Goodrich, C. - 20 pages The arts of tanning, currying, and leather dressing; theoretically considered in all their details (1852) - de Fontenelle, J. - 557 pages The care of leather (1920) - Veitch, F. P. - 21 pages The leather specimen book (1917) - La Croix, F. W. - 30 pages The principles of leather manufacture (1903) - Rocter, H. R. - 547 pages The story of leather (1916) - Bassett, S. W. - 240 pages A complete guide to the ornamental leather work (1890) - n.a. - 104 pages A history of furniture : with chapters on tapestry, oriental embroidery and leather work (1907) - Jacquemart, A. - 425 pages A manual of shoemaking and leather and rubber products (1912) - Dooley, W. H. - 287 pages A method of tanning without bark (1729) - Maple, W. - 35 pages A new and complete treatise on the arts of tanning, currying, and leather-dressing; comprising all the discoveries and improvements made in France, Great Britain, and the United States (1865) - Dussauce, H. - 710 pages A practical treatise on friction, lubrication, fats and oils, including the manufacture of lubricating oils, leather oils, paint oils, solid lubricants and greases, modes of testing oils, and the application of lubricants (1916) - Dieterichs, E. - 140 pages A study of the changes in skins during their conversion into leather (1915) - Schlichte, A. A. - 62 pages Aboriginal skin-dressing: a study based on material in the U. S. National museum (1891) - Mason, O. T. - 709 pages An apparatus for measuring the relative wear of sole leathers (1919) - Hart, R. W. - 20 pages Application of dyestuffs to textiles, paper, leather and other materials (1920) - Matthews, J. M. - 768 pages The application of Oils and Grease to Leather (1919) - Blockey, J. R. - 131 pages Area measurement of leather (1920) - Schlink, F. J. - 47 pages California tanbark oak. Part I. Tanbark oak and the tanning industry (1911) - Jepson, W. L. - 34 pages Changes in processing and marketing hides (1960) - Thompson, J. W. - 22 pages Cleaning of fur and leather garments (1927) - Goldman, M. H. - 24 pages Code of fair competition for the hide and leather working machine industry as approved on March 6, 1934 (1934) - n.a. - 495 pages Conserving hides : salting and shipping (1944) - Clarke, I. - 6 pages Conserving hides : skinning (1945) - Clarke, I. - 8 pages Constitution of the United Brotherhood of Leather Workers on Horse Goods (1910) - n.a. - 48 pages Country hides and skins (1919) - Whalin, C. V. - 64 pages Cowie's bookbinder's manual : containing a full description of leather and vellum binding, directions for gilding of paper and book-edges, and numerous valuable recipes for sprinkling, colouring, & marbling : together with a scale of bookbinders' charges, a list of all the book and vellum binders in London, &c. &c (1852) - Cowie, G. - 141 pages Cowie's bookbinder's manual: containing a full description of leather and vellum binding; directions for gilding of paper and book-edges and numerous valuable recipes for sprinkling, colouring, & marbling; together with a scale of bookbinders' charges; a list of all the book and vellum binders in London, &c. &c (1860) - Cowie, G. - 141 pages Decorative textiles; an illustrated book on coverings for furniture, walls and floors, including damasks, brocades and velvets, tapestries, laces, embroideries, chintzes, cretonnes, drapery and furniture trimmings, wall papers, carpets and rugs, tooled and illuminated leathers (1918) - Hunter, G. L. - 458 pages Directions for the tanning and dressing of furs (1922) - Dixon, J. S. - 8 pages Directions for using the patent eagle tanning process (1869) - Stockwell, A. F. - 42 pages Durability of sole leather filled with sulphite cellulose extract (1922) - Bowker, R. C. - 10 pages Economics of segmenting cattle hides (1965) - Thompson, J. W. - 18 pages Effects of glucose and salts on the wearing quality of sole leather (1919) - Wormeley, P. L. - 38 pages Effects of oils, greases (1920) - Bowker, R. C. - 18 pages English of leather making (1919) - Quimby, G. - 52 pages Fabrikoid, an improvement on leather (1911) - n.a. - 24 pages Facts worth knowing about leather, boots, and shoes (1872) - Walker, J. H. - 16 pages Hides & skins and the manufacture of leather (1921) - Warburg, J. P. - 80 pages Hides and skins from locker plants and farms (1961) - Naghski, J. - 26 pages Historical Carvings in Leather (1940) - Maddox, W. A. - 381 pages Home tanning of leather and small fur skins (1962) - Rogers, J. S. - 29 pages Home tanning (1922) - Frey, R. W. - 22 pages Laboratory wearing test to determine the relative wear resistance of sole leather at different depths throughout the thickness of a hide (1920) - Hart, R. W. - 7 pages Leather- and Metal-work Designing (1916) - n.a. - 743 pages Leather bookbindings : how to preserve them (1956) - Rogers, J. S. - 8 pages Leather care (1943) - n.a. - 8 pages Leather chemists' pocket-book, a short compendium of analytical methods (1912) - Procter, H. R. - 223 pages Leather dressing, including dyeing, staining and finishing (1907) - Lamb, M. C. - 438 pages Leather for libraries (1905) - Hulme, E. W. - 57 pages Leather goods and gloves (1922) - Lehmann, H. M. - 145 pages Leather Hides Skin Tanning Material (1924) - Snow, E. C. - 410 pages Leather in the decorative arts (1950) - n.a. - 28 pages Leather industries laboratory book of analytical and experimental methods (1908) - Procter, H. R. - 460 pages Leather investigations: the composition of some sole leathers (1913) - Veitch, F. P. - 20 pages Leather manufacture : a practical handbook of tanning, currying, and chrome leather dressing (1906) - Watt, A. - 484 pages Leather manufacture : a treatise on the practical workings of the leather manufacture (1890) - Stevens, J. W. - 240 pages Leather trades chemistry; a practical manual on the analysis of materials and finished products (1908) - Trotman, S. R. - 315 pages Leather work (1908) - Wilson, W. H. - 70 pages Leather Work (1915) - Mickel, A. - 464 pages Leather working (1904) - Hasluck, P. N. - 156 pages Leather, Hides, Skins And Tanning Materials (1924) - Snow, E. C. - 416 pages Leathers of old Japan (1910) - Matsuki, B. - 42 pages Make-overs from leather, fur and felt (1946) - Scott, C. L. - 16 pages Manufacture of leather (1922) - Rogers, A. - 160 pages Modern American tanning Vol.I (1902) - n.a. - 309 pages Modern American tanning Vol.II (1902) - n.a. - 581 pages Nature and control of tannery processes (1922) - Lorenz, J. R. - 51 pages P. Stephenson's lightning tanning process (1879) - Stephenson, P. - 12 pages Practical tanning; a handbook of modern processes, receipts, and suggestions for the treatment of hides, skins, and pelts of every description (1903) - Flemming, L. A. - 448 pages Practical tanning; a handbook of modern processes, receipts, and suggestions for the treatment of hides, skins and pelts of every description, including various patents relating to tanning, with specifications (1910) - Flemming, L. A. - 607 pages Practical tanning; a handbook of modern practice and processes as applied in the manufacture of leather and allied products (1922) - Rogers, A. - 699 pages Practical treatise on the leather industry (1901) - Villon, A. M. - 505 pages Leather bookbindings : how to preserve them (1956) - Rogers, J. S. - 12 pages Principles and practice of fur dressing and fur dyeing (1922) - Austin, W. E. - 191 pages Publications on hides, skins, tanning materials, tanning processes, and leather (1948) - n.a. - 13 pages Puering, bating & drenching of skins (1912) - Wood, J. T. - 304 pages Report of the Committee on leather for bookbinding (1905) - n.a. - 93 pages Report on leather and shoe industries (1919) - n.a. - 190 pages Roycroft leather-book : being a catalog of beautiful leathern things made Roycroftie by hand by Roycroft artists (1909) - n.a. - 46 pages Shoe and leather encyclopedia (1911) - n.a. - 130 pages Report of the Federal trade commission on shoe and leather costs and prices (1921) - n.a. - 443 pages Shoe and leather trade of the last hundred years (1891) - Bryant, S. - 136 pages Something about leather (1897) - Alyyne, L. - 90 pages Sun and saddle leather (1917) - Clark, C. B. - 60 pages Tanners' and chemists' handbook (1909) - Levi, L. E. - 363 pages Technical seminar on hides and leather (1965) - n.a. - 24 pages The American tanner (1892) - Briggs, N. R. - 38 pages The art of tanning leather (1857) - Kennedy, D. - 262 pages The boot and shoe manufacturers' assistant and guide: Containing a brief history of the trade. History of india-rubber and gutta-percha, and their application to the manufacture of boots and shoes. Full instructions in the art, with diagrams and scales, etc., etc. Vulcanization and sulphurization, English and American patents. With an elaborate treatise on tanning (1858) - Richardson, W. H. - 346 pages The chemistry of mineral tannages (1888) - Norris, W. M. - 24 pages The decoration of leather (1905) - Maude, N. - 104 pages The gleanings of tanning (1883) - Montgomery, H. - 16 pages The home mechanic and complete self-instructor in carpentry, painting, horse-shoeing, soap making, candy making, baking, taxidermy, tanning, &c (1897) - Schofield, R. J. - 885 pages The leather goods department (1917) - Lehmann, M. A. - 196 pages The leather manufacture in the United States; a dissertation on the methods and economies of tanning (1876) - Schultz, J. S. - 305 pages The Leather worker's journal Vol.IX (1906) - n.a. - 77 pages The Leather Worker's Journal Vol.XII (1909) - n.a. - 563 pages The Leather Worker's Journal Vol.XIX (1916) - n.a. - 459 pages The making of leather (1914) - Procter, H. R. - 153 pages The Manufacture Of Leather (1919) - Bennett, H. G. - 440 pages The manufacture of leather: being a description of all of the processes for the tanning, tawing, currying, finishing (1885) - Davis, C. T. - 824 pages The manufacture of leather (1909) - Bennett, H. G. - 420 pages The manufacture of leather (1920) - Bennett, H. G. - 420 pages The manufacture of lubricants, shoe polishes and leather dressings (1906) - Brunner, R. - 217 pages The new kard process for preparing and tanning small skins and firs (1884) - Stephens, H. - 8 pages The practical upholsterer : giving clear directions for skillfully performing all kinds of upholsteres' work in leather, silk, plush, reps, cottons, velvets, and carpetings (1891) - Hodgson, F. T. - 116 pages The shoe industry (1922) - Allen, F. J. - 415 pages The tanning industry (1917) - Onthank, A. H. - 65 pages The world's trade in hides, skins and leather (1918) - n.a. - 72 pages Two lectures on tanning, delivered before the Eclectic fraternity, on the 7th & 14th February, 1838 (1838) - Lee, G. - 67 pages Unhairing hides by sulphide of sodium (1883) - Cutler, H. - 12 pages Uppers : leather and findings (1877) - Arthur, M. - 32 pages W. H. Newby's new tanning process (1867) - Newby, W. H. - 16 pages William M. Norris, Princeton, N.J., analytical and consulting chemist (1888) - Norris, W. M. - 8 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD115 Books - Leather & Leatherworking -Rare Tools Tanning Craft How to -On CD/DVD

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Subject: Leather & Leatherworking

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Topic: History Manual Tutorial Training


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